Upcoming Events
Get involved! Being a part of a local church community provides opportunities to both serve and be served. Join us as we fellowship together and minister to others in need.
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Fellowship Meal
Stay for lunch! After morning worship we enjoy a buffet style pot luck. Visitors welcome, no need to bring anything. Members, watch for emails for the food signup list.
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Congregational Meeting
We will be holding a congregational meeting on Saturday. If you are a church member please plan on attending. Full agenda will be sent out to the church email list prior to the meeting. The main item on the agenda will to vote on the proposed budget for 2023. Please reach out to the elders@christrpc.com with any questions. Thank you!
Men's Group - Book Discussion
Men’s group discussion as we read through “The Mortification of Sin” by John Owen.
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Reformation Day Psalm Sing
When our Lord and Master said, “Repent,” he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.
So began Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, which he nailed to the Wittenberg church door on October 31, 1517, marking the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and a renewed vision for the whole Christian life. Although many remember the Reformation for its doctrinal impact, the Reformation’s recovery of Scripture meant more than a recovery of sound teaching: it brought a renewed vision of the entire life of believers.
Come and join us as we all sing the Psalms together, in a cappella four-part harmony, and consider how the Psalms in worship continue to give us a vision for the entire Christian life. Light refreshments provided.
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Men's Group - Book Discussion
Men’s group discussion as we read through “The Mortification of Sin” by John Owen.
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Atlantic Fall Youth Retreat
Atlantic Fall Retreat (Grades 7-12)--Sept. 16-18
Location: White Lake Camp, White Lake, NY
Speaker: pastors of the Atlantic Presbytery
Further info and registration: http://www.reformedprescambridge.com/fallretreat
The Atlantic Presbytery will be meeting simultaneously on the hilltop. Three different men from the presbytery will each step away from that meeting to give talks to the young people in the retreat. The men involved in presbytery and the youth will have opportunity to be together at meals, and there will also be an opportunity for the youth to observe what happens during a presbytery meeting.
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship - NEW LOCATION
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Morning Worship
Join us each Lord’s day as we gather together to worship God through the faithful preaching of His scriptures, singing Psalms of praise, and praying together as one body of believers. All visitors are welcome!
Zoom Prayer Meeting
Join us for a time of prayer. Please contact Pastor Howe if you would like the Zoom link.