All are welcome!


10 Turner Ave, Riverside, RI

We have recently moved and now worship at 10 Turner Ave, Riverside, RI. Look for our sign!

Parking is available on Turner Ave across from the main entrance. Click here for a detailed parking map.

If you are interested in attending but do not have your own transportation, please reach out and let us know as we can make arrangements for pick-up / drop-off.



September -June

10:00 - 11:30 am - Morning worship.

If you are visiting and would like to meet with an elder about sharing in Communion, please plan on arriving at least 10 minutes early. 

11:45 - 12:30 pm - Sunday School

Children’s classes - preschool, grades K-3, grades 4-7, high school

Adult class - Sermon discussion

12:30 pm - Fellowship Meal

(3rd Sunday each month unless specified - check the Calendar page)

5:30 pm - Evening Worship

Held at the church.

Please check our Calendar page for cancellations.

July and August

10:00 - 11:30 am - Morning worship

12:00 pm - Fellowship Meal

(3rd Sunday each month unless specified - check the Calendar page)

6:00 - 7:00 pm - Psalm Sing at the Park.

Please contact us for directions and check our Calendar page for cancellations.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14168
East Providence, RI 02914